
Home Data for Artificial Intelligence Scaling responsible artificial intelligence solutions

Data for Artificial Intelligence

Scaling responsible artificial intelligence solutions

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This project, a Global Partnership on AI (GPAI) initiative under the Responsible AI Working Group, provides mentoring for development teams from diverse backgrounds who are struggling to scale their responsible AI solutions.

Experts from all four GPAI working groups (Responsible AI, Data Governance, Future of Work, and Innovation and Commercialization) assemble to provide advice and recommendations for participating teams based on a rigorous diagnosis of the scaling and accountability potential of their proposed AI solutions.

The ultimate goal of this project is to advance responsible AI practices, through education and upskilling, while also giving experts the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the field. Lessons learned and best practices generated by the mentoring process will be documented in a report for both governments and responsible AI teams, to help scale future responsible AI solutions around the world.

Scaling responsible AI solutions is critical to ensuring meaningful and ethical impact in the field of artificial intelligence

In the form of a public call, this project represents a unique opportunity to meet and exchange ideas for teams working on responsible AI pilot projects. The challenges of scaling practical responsible AI solutions are vast and complex. Bringing together a community of experts from a wide range of AI and data-related fields is crucial to addressing this. The GPAI community of experts is well suited to be of valuable support as it brings together some of the best experts in AI. Drawing on their respective strengths, they work together to advance projects and transform them into scalable and sustainable solutions.

This project has the potential to have a significant impact on the AI field by sharing the expertise and experience gained during this project with the global AI community, bringing together expertise from the four GPAI working groups (Responsible AI, Data Governance, Innovation and Commercialization, and Future of Work). The recommendations made by this group will become references for scaling up practical responsible AI solutions internationally.


Arnaud Quenneville-Langis


Project Manager

Francesca Rossi

IBM Fellow and AI Ethics Global Leader

GPAI expert and Project co-lead

Amir Banifetami

Co-founder and Director, AI Commons

GPAI Expert and Project co-lead