In the Spotlight: A look back at our recent events – October to December 2024
MONTREAL, January 31, 2025 – The last quarter of 2024 has once again been rich in outreach opportunities for CEIMIA, with many key and promising events, in terms of developments, for 2025.
OECD Global Strategy Group (GSG)

On October 14, at the 2024 OECD Global Strategy Group meeting, The Network of Centres for International Cooperation on AI presented its strategic vision and mission to an influential audience from the business community. Under the theme of international AI governance, the directors of CEIMIA, of the GPAI Expert Support Centre at Inria and of the NICT outlined key projects for 2024 and 2025, and demonstrated their impact to date in fostering the development of responsible, safe and trustworthy AI.
Drawing on its expertise and international collaboration, the Network of Centres for International Cooperation on AI is thus positioning itself as a major player in the development of innovative solutions to AI-related challenges. By focusing on a multidisciplinary approach rooted in science, the Network is committed to developing solutions for responsible and ethical AI that is beneficial to society as a whole.
Forum On Artificial Intelligence Nurturing Our Well-Being With Ai | 6th Edition Canada-Italy
In October 2024, Sophie Fallaha, Executive Director of CEIMIA represented the organization at the 6th Canada-Italy Forum on Artificial Intelligence, organized by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada during a panel discussion on the topic of the impacts of AI on the well-being of individuals, communities and societies.
Alongside Professor Susanna Esposito, University of Parma ER, Rodolfo Sardone, Scientific Director of the CALLIOPE project at the Local Health Authority of Taranto, Nancy Laramée, Director of Partnerships at IVADO, and Steve Johnston, Managing Director of Mindfultech Institute, Sophie spoke of the importance of multi-stakeholder and international collaboration to capitalize on the positive impacts of these technologies.
During her speech, Sophie emphasized the need to converge towards an international framework for ethical AI, in order to support the growing portion of AI initiatives dedicated to the common good around the globe. She illustrated her point with some of GPAI and CEIMIA’s flagship projects supporting the responsible development and adoption of AI, such as the Scaling Responsible AI project, or Broad adoption of AI by SMEs and its AI4SME platform.
QueerTech Qonference (QTQ) 2024

Last November 6 and 7, CEIMIA joined the 3rd annual Queertech conference, held in Toronto. The event brought together a variety of members from the industry and public policy, with a common concern for diversity and inclusion issues on AI. A great opportunity to exchange on necessary actions to ensure the development of AI that is accessible, inclusive and centered on the needs of all communities.
During the event, CEIMIA had the opportunity to take the stage to announce the launch event of the report and policy guide of the project Towards Substantive Equality in AI that was held last November 26. The project, carried out in joint collaboration between CEIMIA and le Mila-Institut Québécois en IA under the guidance of GPAI, aligns with the mission of Queertech and the actors present at this conference, united by shared values and a common mission: to build a truly inclusive Canadian technology ecosystem.
Towards Substantive Diversity and Gender Equality: 2024 report & policy guide launch
On November 26, 2024, Mila and CEIMIA released the most comprehensive policy report to date on gender equality and diversity in AI. An initiative of the Global Partnership on AI (GPAI) working group on Responsible AI, the report and policy guide were launched in an event hosted at Mila, bringing together global leaders, policymakers, and AI community representatives.
During this half-day hybrid event, project leads, CEIMIA and Mila project managers presented the , which offer concrete and actionable recommendations for policymakers and practitioners, grounded in research and consultations with global and community-led perspectives, to confront the challenges posed by growing inequalities and a lack of diversity in AI ecosystems.
The launch event highlighted these findings and fostered dialogue on practical steps to make AI ecosystems more equitable, inclusive, and beneficial for all. Key participants, including leaders from academia, civil society, and international organizations, will share insights on best practices and innovations on AI development and governance that center gender equality and diversity.
This gathering served as a pivotal opportunity to advance responsible AI practices that reflect the needs and realities of diverse populations.
GPAI 2025 Summit
ON December 3 and 4, the OECD and GPAI communities met in Belgrade for the GPAI 2025 Summit.
During these two days, CEIMIA representatives, experts from the Data Governance and Responsible AI Working Groups, for which CEIMIA acts as a support organization, and members of the Quebec ecosystem joined partners, member countries and other GPAI and OECD experts to present the work carried out by the Working Groups and officially mark GPAI’s transition to the new OECD integrated partnership structure.
Over the course of the two-day, the CEIMIA team on site took part in a series of events designed to promote Quebec and Canadian expertise in responsible AI, as well as that of the GPAI expert community. They also highlighted the key role of the Network of Centres within the GPAI, strengthened links between the Expert Support Centres and the OECD, and developed opportunities for collaboration on a possible pilot project with Serbia, this year’s GPAI Chair country, as well as with other OECD member countries.
Our team had the opportunity to part in:
- The OECD trade fair, where we presented the key projects of the GPAI supported by CEIMIA ;
- A working lunch at the residence of the Canadian Ambassador in Serbia to discuss collaboration opportunities between Canadian and Serbian AI ecosystems;
- The GPAI Ministerial Council, during which the directors of the three Expert Support Centres presented a summary of the results achieved by the GPAI Working Group projects in 2024;
- To a panel discussion on collaborative innovation, aiming to foster collaborative innovation through partnerships between academia, industry and government through the highlighting of successful collaborative models, which promote innovation and maximize the impact of AI and emerging technologies;
- To a panel discussion on the integrated partnership GPAI/OECD, in order to discuss the opportunities in joining the strengths of GPAI1.0 and that of AIGO 1.0 and presenting the added value of the Network of Centres for the international cooperation on AI within the framework of GPAI 2.0 notably through its methodology complementary to that of the OECD;
- To a collaborative working session between the three Expert Support Centres to define the main lines of action and the next steps for 2025;
- A visit to the Belgrade Museum of Science and Technology, where CEIMIA representatives were able to explore the local startup incubator, showcase CEIMIA’s expertise in international project management, and explore avenues of collaboration between Canada and Serbia.
Découvrir l'équipe du CEIMIA
Grâce à une structure de collaboration unique, le CEIMIA est un acteur clé du développement, du financement et de la mise en œuvre de projets d’IA appliquée au bénéfice de l’ensemble de l’humanité.